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Kuwait Government Boeing 737 suffered tailstrike on departure in Glasgow

A Kuwait Government Boeing 737-900BBJ experienced a tailstrike on departure from Glasgow-Prestwick Airport, Scotland. ( 기타...

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Definitely a puff of smoke as the tail briefly touches the runway. I fail to see how anyone could not see that.
Yes, it's definitely a tailstrike, but for this report to claim the video shows smoke is ridiculous sensationalism. What we see is just surface water being thrown up by the engine exhaust.
Tailstrikes are not that unusual on stretched versions of some aircraft, especially in gusty conditions, which is why they have tail skid plates attached to the fuselage to prevent skin damage.
Gee, do you think that might be water blown up by the engine exhaust?………🥱
Nope,definately a tailstrike.
Referring to the “smoke”, actually water, not the obvious tail strike.


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