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China refuses to supply aircraft parts to Russia after sanctions

China has refused to supply Russia with aircraft parts after the aviation sector was hit by crippling Western sanctions, a Moscow official has admitted. Valery Kudinov, a federal air transport agency official, said Russia would be looking for opportunities to source parts from other countries including Turkey and India, according to Russian news agencies. ( 기타...

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Okay, I have to say I did not expect this to happen. China seems to be taking steps to clearly show Putin that they are not happy with what he is doing.
ADXbear 2
Wow, I didn't expect to see this, even though China doesn't verbalize its distain of Russias attack, there withholding of parts is a good first step.

I dont want to see Russian people killed in poorly maintained jets, fir them, it might be a good time to take a train!
That is 100 Percent unexpected...
If China quietly helps with the destruction of Russia then there's only one super power other than themselves to have to deal with going forward, US!!!
Good point!


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