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Folding wings of the 777X take shape (video)

Washington - Boeing released a video featuring the foldable wings of future 777X in its Everett factory, a first in civil aviation. The maiden flight of the aircraft is scheduled for next year. ( 기타...

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I would have thought folding down would fail safer than folding up due to lift? At the moment the locking mechanism is constantly being strained by the lift experienced, which is far greater than the weight of the wing (one would hope xD).
What is the point of the folding wing tips?
They don’t appear to save a lot of space.
I'm going by memory, but the tips are around 10' each, and add up to a reduction in width of something like 22' overall.

That may not sound like much, but it's enough to allow the planes to fit into gates already built at airports around the world. Lets the plane land & accommodate passengers at more places and saves the airports money in construction to widen the gates.
I know it's the wing tips, it's just that the headline infers that we will be seeing the fold.
royr2 1
Just another lesson that headlines are noting more than attention draws but unfortunately all that most people read. It's the same as judging a book by its cover.
But it doesn't show the wing fold !!!!
royr2 1
That's because it's not the entire wing as people imagine with headlines. Take a look at that first picture at the top of the article. That's no winglet. It has joints. That's the "folding wing".


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