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Breaking: Xiamen Air Boeing 737-800 Skids Off Runway in Manila (+Photos)

A Xiamen Airlines Boeing 737-800 has skidded off the runway at Manila-Ninoy Aquino International Airport. According to local news, weather conditions in the area prevented the aircraft from landing on its first attempt. Flight MF8667 “had descended to FL180 towards Manila. It entered a holding pattern to the north-east of the airport for about 14 minutes before positioning for an approach to runway 24.” “The approach was aborted at 23:40 and the aircraft position for another approach. The… ( 기타...

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chalet 2
Every accident has its own characteristics but it is well known that trying to land (or taking off) when a heavy storm is passing is asking for trouble. More recently in Durango, Mexico an Embraer 190 did not quite lifted off the ground and was slammed down when taking off in the middle of a really strong storm. And of course the worst one is Delta 191, an L-1011 that crashed at DFW in 1985 when trying to land.
What ever happened to the days when there was no shame in flying to another airport when inclement weather made landing unsafe?
The only other 1 there is Clark International, and they too were probably getting socked with bad weather..typhoon season in that part of the world.
Cebu could be another alternate.
During Typhoon season, they dont like sending them off to Cebu especially in storms
On another note, gotta love that I got a downvote, from someone, for making a valid point..smh
Cebu seems like more of an emergency alternate. Not enough terminal and infrastructure to handle a lot of diversions, although some could go to the adjoining airbase.
Cebu is not a happy place in good weather, and even worse in bad..from looking at that video, and listening to the "oh bleep" audio, it looks like a ground level microburst just took that aircraft and heaved it the wrong way.
womlliv 1
the ⬇ is prob a tupo 😏
Pressure from the head office probably plus the pilot figured he wouldn’t look as dependable or held in high esteem by other the head office/other pilots. Lot’s of saving “face” in the Asian culture.
What ever happened to t


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