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ASA and ExpressJet change names to SureJet

In November 2010, Atlantic Southeast Airlines and ExpressJet Airlines embarked on a journey to become the world’s first super regional airline. ( 기타...

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dmanuel 0
I hope Ben is right, especially the callsign part.
Ben C 0
The name is NOT going to SURE jet, at least they are not so SURE right now. The best name (to get rid of the regional image) would be Liberty Jet and the sign could simply be a torch.
....well that SURE-SUCKS
QuickBurn 0
Heck, I like ExpressJet's callsign as an airline name.. "Jet Link"
dbaker 0
I thought ExpressJet was a terrific name.
Should have kept it ExpressJet...
I like it, but what fleet does ASA fly? I don't like the name though.
sparkie624 0
I agree. I fly on ASA Alot, and when I see Sure Jet, first thing that comes to mind is "Sure Of What?". I have have been impressed with ASA. They are safe, but there interiors could be kept in alot better shape. As a Mechanic I see alot of torn Seat Back Covers, Burnt Out Light Bulbs (one that I see all the time is 8 bulbs are in the Lav Occupide Sign, and only 1 is burning. Takes 15 seconds to change all 8). Just minor things like that. I wish them the best. Maybe ExpressJet maintenance practices will be picked up by ASA :)
Toby Sharp 0
I fully agree with the above statement
dmanuel 0
This is a fine idea and can help to return actual and perceived professionalism, to the regional airlines, which has been declining over the past couple of years. I am not so sure of the name they chose. While not negative, it lacks punch and sounds (sort of) milquetoast.


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