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How To Land a Plane That’s Missing Half a Wing

We're all familiar with the term "autopilot," yes? Think of Adaptive Control as a supermegacharged version of that. It's part of what they call Intelligent Avionics at NASA Ames, and it's capable of identifying a problem and correcting for it in a matter of milliseconds—before the pilot even knows something is wrong. As airplanes get more complex, both mechanically and electronically, there's more that can potentially go awry. Adaptive Control is designed to… ( 기타...

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Oh really? Amazn...
preacher1 1
Well, a big part of the latest rounds of military stuff can't fly on their own without being computer assisted in someway. As a matter of fact, they said that the F117 could not fly without computer aid and that the F22 was so complicated a pilot could not possibly digest all the info it could generate. It's all headed that way. "ADAPTIVE CONTROL" or not, I don't want to be in an aircraft with a wing and tail loss. I have always been an advocate of FLY THE PLANE but that is just a position I wouldn't want to be in if I could help


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