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Jeff Bezos aims to bring up Apollo 11's sunken engines

제출됨's billionaire founder, Jeff Bezos, says he's funded a successful effort to locate the mammoth rocket engines that sent the Apollo 11 mission on the first leg of its mission to the moon — and now he's planning to bring them up from the Atlantic Ocean floor. ( 기타...

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These are Rocketdyne engines and were built to last forever!
I agree with comments here. What does he plan to do with the junk if he gets it? Bragging rights?
Jay Link 1
Papa John getting his old car back (that he sold to support his family) is kinda cool, but I can't say the same for this one. I expect a better mid-life crisis out of Bezos!
Matt Lacey 2
How does he know they are the S-IC-6 engines? Wikipedia shows 6 of the first stages impacted the water within 2 miles of each other.
Obviously a billionaire and his money are soon parted.
cnrail65 1
what a waste of money, for a corroded piece of junk. Better off donating the money to a worthy chariety.
Jay Link 2
It's his money to spend as he pleases, but I agree.
oowmmr 0
He should start a garbage co. and bill governments for picking it up.
I would be more impressed if he went to the moon and brought back the launch pad for the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module.)
Jay Link 1
Agreed. Those Stage One boosters can't be in great shape after falling 40 miles and then being in salt water for 40+ years. And ... so what if he does find them?
The first thought that I had Jay.


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