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Attempted airliner bombing plot foiled

Intelligence agencies in the US, Europe and the Middle East have apparently broken up an attempt to blow up a U.S.-bound jetliner to mark the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden. ( 기타...

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Isia Maria 2
What have our acronyms learned in the last 10 or so years?

The TSA prevents "terrorist weapons" like soup, paperweights, pocket knives, wrenches, breast milk pumps, belts, insulin, piercings, and dignity and respect from flying while it causes vulnerable bottlenecks at mishandled checkpoints.

The FBI prevents their own homegrown, ludicrously orchestrated, three stooges style "terror plots" from flying while it touts these acts as successes and proof that they need budget increases.

The CIA prevents actual terrorists from flying well before they got anywhere close to flying and they also gather *gasp* intelligence!

Logically, the next step is for TSA mandated strip searches, shackling, and sedatives before getting on FBI controlled planes. Because then, SURELY we will be safe from this style of bomb.
oowmmr 0
The S.O.Bs, chock up one for the good guys.
Once again it was NOT, repeat NOT, the TSA that stopped this. The TSA is unable to provide REAL security.

[This poster has been suspended.]

JD345 1
Ever heard of due process?
Yea, lots of deterrence is being done by the Terminally Stupid Assholes. 4 years old girls being groped. 80 years old Purple Heart winners being abused. Lots of guns getting through without detection. I even had a Swiss Army Knife accidentally let in my backpack make it through "security" screening. Oh - did I mention these were all white folks? Heaven forbid should there be any special attention given to Islamic people!
euronorb 3
Sounds like the "religion of peace" are at It again.
Everyone get ready for your naked strip search and cavity Inspection :)
Cut the TSA and give the CIA more resources to thwart these threats. Nice work by all agencies involved.
JD345 1
It doesn't help that the US footprint in the world is about 200 million square miles and it's shaped like a sphere. We can't put all of this effort in to pissing everybody off and then wonder why everybody's pissed off.
Then I guess we shouldn't be giving any forgeign aid to the same countries that seem to think we are so evil. Darn, those two way streets.
JD345 1
Exactly, I think...
sparkie624 5
I wish they would take him out in the middle of the desert and make him demo them on him self... If he survives, take him to jail. If not, the birds need something to eat.
I don't know why they go after airliners. There are public sporting events with a lot more people (and much less security than an airport) that they could target. What is it about the airline industry?
dbaker 1
Planes are sort of an "all or nothing" attack, more spectacular, and represent innovation and commerce more than an entertainment event.
The question remains. Would the device been detected with todays security system? I haven't heard or seen a thing that tells me the current system stops bombers.
I honestly do NOT care about the indepth secuirty measures that the TSA take. Sure look down my pants, I'll go into a scanner. Whatever they need for our safety I'm ok with. I'm tired of hearing people complain about being violated because of trying to keep us safe.
Isia Maria 1
My sarcasm-o meter is broken today, I've been violating it too much with the internet, but I hope that's what it detected.
JD345 2
Solitary confinement at a state penitentiary is a place to keep someone safe.
99NY 3
So you'd be OK with manditory body cavity searches if they kept people "safe"?
If there was any proof the current method created security, I would be in favor of it too. The problem is there is proof that the system is completely ineffective. Frisking 4 year old girls hasn't stopped a single incident. On the contrary, it has created hate and contempt for the federal goverment that is contitutionally required to protect our rights, not violate them.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Dude, If the TSA stopped a big operation from taking place they would buy a billboard on Broadway to tell us all about it. They've stopped nuns in wheel chairs, and nursing mothers carrying explosive breast milk from wreaking havoc in the sky. They've stopped a few knives that were left inadvertently in bags, that would have caused no problems had they made it through. Security Theatre, is not security. Criminal profiling, and good police work by the agencies off the airport have been far more effective.
JD345 2
You can't prove the absence of a threat and that for some people apparently justifies any security measure, no matter how draconian. The only safe society is on permanent lockdown, but evidently people are starting to warm up to that idea. Terms like "probable cause" are starting to lose their meaning these days.
Falconus 4
Well I am not at all okay with it. When I was in school, I was learning about how we are in a free country. Now it saddens me that it is getting more and more like a police state, and that the American people seem to like this.
The TSA is a doomed agency if we have a change of command in the White House. Please remember to vote in November. Conservatives vote on tuesday, liberals vote on wednesday.
JD345 1
nail of head, meet hammer.
jhakunti 3
the terrorists are stupid. gangster thugs in a country so poor drugs don't sell. suicide missions do.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Well, since you want it done, why don't you get out from behind the keyboard and do it.
You seem to be a big time internet gangsta...
This was in response to Phil Rudd, don't know why it posted here...
Wow, even a message board as specialized as this one has ignorant people making ignorant comments.
Wow Phil, you always have a way with words.
Falconus 10
Advocating the extermination of everybody of a certain religion... You must be aware that others who have advocated that have included Hitler and bin Laden.

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99NY 5
Dont you have a Klan meeting to attend rather than trolling here?

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Islam is not a religion - it is a "total way of life" ( In other words, Islam is a type of GOVERNMENT with a religious components.
Beautifully said, Falconus.
JetMech24 8
Oklahoma City bomber wasn't muslim.
There is a Muslim connection to the OKC bombing. Use a search engine to look up "oklahoma city bombing muslim connection"
JD345 3
Use a search engine to look up "JFK killed because of aliens"
There's always that .001% that just doesn't get it, right jetmech
effective tomorrow (5/8/12) the tsa will ask (nicely), please remove your underwear.
Guess I'll have to go commando ;)
JD345 1
How much you wanna bet that this bomb would have gotten through security and so we need tighter security measures?

Be afraid, be very afraid!!
What airline was it?
JD345 5
Check out the article... it was stopped "well before" it posed a threat.
jhakunti 2
by it's vary nature as soon as it was a bomb to be confiscated, it was already a threat.


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