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47 spend 'nightmare' 9 hours in grounded plane

"To make a long story short, we stayed the entire night on the runway in this plane until about 6:30 in the morning," ( 기타...

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Pilot208 0
The Carrier & Corp. officers should be civilly prosecuted and barred from any endeavor involving the responsibility for the safety and welfare of human beings.

As an aviation & business aviation enthusiast, I encourage you to communicate with your congressional represenatives to express your outrage with the Agency's gross security abuses as well as this paticular carriers complete failure of responsibility.
Pilot208 0
The "Captin" aka Pilot in Command" should be terminated along with the Second and Crew. PIC authority was not used on the behalf those passengers entrusted to their care but rather against them. They should be criminally prosecuted.
wager505 0
I work at airport for a fairly large airline and we have a phone number to TSA and the airport for this kind of thing happening.
that's criminal
nugget 0
Dang, I spent 2.5 hours on an ExpressJet RJ yesterday and that was bad enough. I can't imagine trying to sleep all night on one.
No, nbukrey,I couldn't. I guess we will need porta potties placed at various strategic locations for these captive flights.
nbukrey 0
I was just going to post this... WOW is all i have to say. I just dont understand why things like this keep happening. Can you imagine being inside a erj or similar for 9+ hours?!?!


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