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2 rescued after plane crashes in Hudson River

A 43-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman are being treated at Jacobi Medical Center for hypothermia after the small plane they were flying crashed in the Hudson River Sunday evening. ( 기타...

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Strange, no where did they ever say why the plane went down. There were no details, besides that the people were okay. The article was made up of tiny quotes and statements by people, with no key info or statements. Pretty bad writing if you ask me.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Piper Cherokee N1967E Crash Lands in Hudson River

A Piper Cherokee, N1967E, crash landed in the Hudson River, near Yonkers, NY this past weekend
I am glad the couple survived after that crash.

I think it is about time we diverted the Hudson through the Bronx and build runways in the river bed. Solve two problems at once.
Ric....i agree with you! No one should have to do what these people did!
Toby Sharp 1


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