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Scooper air tanker drops on a truck fire in Canada

Here is a fun clip of a Canadian Forestry Scooper aircraft dropping a load on a semi which had crashed into a motor grader in northern Canada. Apparently, the plane was called in to prevent the fire from the burning truck spreading further into the woods. Nice work, Eh! Video link here: ( 기타...

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smoki 1
One obvious question. How the heck did the big rig driver manage to collide with a road grader? It's not a small target. Something that big and slow automatically requires a slow down to a crawl to pass it. I have them in my area on the gravel roads all the time. They always have the right of way for me no matter what.
sparkie624 1
hard to tell... Idiots born every day.
Pretty good way to extinguish a fire if you are not to sure how volatile the load is.Availability of a fire engine probably played a role too.
sparkie624 2
LOL, doesn't look like he needed a truck.
probably just one dump and back to base
canuck44 7
Nice video, but even nicer low level flying with what looks like a significant cross wind. Delivered bang on target.

Congrats too to the official who ordered the government grant or multiple application forms necessary. Totally typical of the Newfoundlanders...just get on with the job with whatever is at hand and worry about the bureaucrats later...over a beer or a glass of Screech.
The video was taken on the Trans Labrador highway.
BC Hadley 8
The clip ends too soon. I would have like to seen the truck/grader afterwards.
sparkie624 2
I agree.. But that was nothing less than COOL!


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