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(Video) Jessica Ambats - Pulse-Pounding Aerial Photography

A behind-the-scenes look at how photographer Jessica Ambats captures the beauty of flight. Jessica specializes in air-to-air photography, a high-stakes type of aerial photography that involves shooting from an airplane with the doors removed while the plane being photographed flies as close as 20 feet away. Do not try this at home. ( 기타...

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Very interesting, what a job! Wow!!
Love it - as a pilot and photographer myself, I can tell you it's hard to get business that pays - kudos to her for the shots, the business side of things and her flying...
Wunderbar, einmalig !!
Phil Hoare 2
Cannot believe the beauty of what I have just seen. Makes my own photos from ground level, over fences etc look fairly ordinary. Maybe someday I might have the opportunity to take it to the next level as Jessica has been able to do. Simply stunning and keep up the excellent work.
Just when I thought my job was awesome. Beautiful work, Jessica!
Piper Saratoga is certified to remove the door. Has a section in the POH about the details
Such an amazing video. Love every minute of it!
Beautiful. I suspect that Ms. Ambat's web site will be getting some extra traffic.
Thanks for letting us send our videographer with you Jessica! I have watched this video over 100 times in the last couple of months, and I still get chills every time.
what a great canvas !

[This poster has been suspended.]

Probably have to have an STC for most aircraft to fly with the doors off. At the very least, an adjusted W&B. Most people don't want to do that with their planes. Before I sold my Skyhawk, I had a guy that would shoot just with the window all the way open. He was okay with that, but wanted to take the doors off too. Naw. I like smooth airflow around the aircraft.
Knew the name sounded familiar! She was the lady that did the photo shoot of the Embraer Phenom over the Strip in Las Vegas that had a few good squawks here. Fantastic stuff and an amazing photographer.


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