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Lockheed Martin wins $5.3 billion contract for C-130J aircraft

U.S. weapons maker Lockheed Martin Corp. said on Thursday it would deliver a total of 78 C-130J Super Hercules aircraft to the U.S. government as part of a multiyear contract, worth $5.3 billion. ( 기타...

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Who would a thunk more than a dozen nations bought 300 odd propeller aircraft in this day and age?

Mostly bought by military, but oddly used for humanitarian ops by many. I recall after "Shock and Awe" hit Iraq I saw a civilian asking "Where is the helping?" The helping was delivered by C130's.

The West can best defeat ISIS by delivering "the helping" to war ravaged peoples in ISIS territories, and this aircraft is well suited for the task. You don't need to kill people and break things to win a war. Win over the local population, and they will do it for you.
30west 0
Ric, a redue of the '70's "win their Hearts and Minds Campaign" in Vietnam to defeat ISIS today?
I don't think the carpet bombing won many hearts in VN, but if you can distribute humanitarian goods without the enemy combatants stealing it, lives will be saved.
IF is a big word
Thank you for keeping my company's stock alive and well.
Mostly a jobs program run by the DoD with help from Johnny Isakson. The J Model is a good aircraft but not that much more mission capable that the H Model and has a less reliable prop requiring more maintenance . Perfectly good C-130's are being parked in the desert


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