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First Four A-29s Delivered to Afghan Air Force (Video)

The sun was shining and the mountains around Kabul were clearly visible, as the first A-29 Super Tucanos touched down at Hamid Karzai International Airport. The A-29 is a light-support aircraft capable of conducting close air support, aerial escort, armed overwatch and aerial interdiction. Four A-29 aircraft arrived to intense media fanfare and are a welcome addition to the Afghan Air Force. The first Afghan A-29 pilots completed their training late last year, and they are expected to be… ( 기타...

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They will end up just like the CASA C-27's we gave them years ago. They are all parked on one side of the Kabul airport in disrepair. I've walked among them, shaking my head at the waste...
sad day indeed
they are built at Jacksonville Florida international airport
given to the airforce and our beloved government gives them away.....#1 son builds them
For about $10 million each, they better take care of them. Looks like fun to fly.
With our tax dollars paying for them they should have been Beechcraft Texas IIs
Yup. But maybe Brazil gave them to the Afghans, heh heh.
Years back, shortly after arriving at Cozumel Airport in our PA34, the controllers announced a brief air traffic shutdown, and we were treated to a rather impromptu but exuberant airshow by a Mexican Air force pilot flying a new "Tucano", directly over the airfield. It was enjoyable & impressive.
they're looking at em like "can't we get a jet?"
wish my government would send me one of these baby's !!!
Did they ever find the two Afghan pilots missing from Moody AFB? Over/under on how long the planes will remain mission capable?
canuck44 1
One found in VA....didn't hear about the other.


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