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Australian airlines ban use of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7

Australian airlines Qantas, Jetstar and Virgin Australia have told passengers not to power up or charge their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones on its planes. "We are requesting that passengers who own them do not switch on or charge them in flight," Qantas told Reuters in a statement. The companies weren't ordered to do so by aviation authorities in the nation, but did so on their own accord in light of Samsung Australia's recall. The ban may get a lot wider, as the FAA is… ( 기타...

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I was on Delta flight last night SAN-SLC and they also announced to leave the new Note 7 device off for the entire duration of the flight if you had one.
Okay, great attitude.
southwest airlines just announced the same thing
This is the type of thing you don't want on an aircraft:
Its not only Australian's, FAA just released a statement ---

Link -

In light of recent incidents and concerns raised by Samsung about its Galaxy Note 7 devices, the Federal Aviation Administration strongly advises passengers not to turn on or charge these devices on board aircraft and not to stow them in any checked baggage.


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