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Wow Air To Cut Fleet Nearly in Half, Lays Off 111 Staff

Iceland’s Wow Air has begun a restructuring exercise that saw it lay off 111 employees on Thursday and lay out plans to reduce its fleet size from 20 to 11 aircraft. ( 기타...

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WOW renamed to WHOA Airlines.
LarryQB 4
Same same as People Express and Braniff - over expansion into markets with no feed, borrowing, and feeding from the same trough as the big digs. QED.
Bad decisions by a bad airline. In the space of 6 months DFW added three carriers to Iceland, Icelandair, WOW and of course cannibalistic American (stay out of my play house.) Did WOW really think they had a chance?
upvoted you solely for the AA reference.
n9341c 1
chalet 2
CNN's Richard Quest interviewed WOW CEO Mogensen a couple of times last year and the airline executive was adamant that his Business plan including a rapid expansion in routes and fleet increments were on sure footing. Sorry to say but I think that this world has too many airlines chasing yes, an increasing number of passengers, but the curve is against the investors.
Greg77FA 3
Wow, I'm not surprised.


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