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Boeing Shareholder Files Class Action Lawsuit, Alleges Company Put Profit Over Safety

In court documents filed Tuesday, Richard Seeks claims the plane maker “effectively put profitability and growth ahead of airplane safety and honesty.” The suit said investors suffered economic losses because of Boeing’s omissions and is seeking damages for alleged securities fraud violations. ( 기타...

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The very people that pressure stock exchange listed companies to make a profit every quarter so they can get their nickel-a-share dividend are now suing! That's pretty good. I'm not saying that's the whole cause of the Boeing disaster, but, Boeing, like all the rest that answer only to {it seems} their vaunted shareholders faces a lot of flack from unqualified morons if those morons don't get their nickel. And that will lead to shortcuts and so profits go ahead of the safest way to do things. One more unbroken link in the chain leading up to disaster.


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