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Russian, Italian charged with stealing GE Aviation secrets

A Russian with government ties and an Italian aerospace expert have been charged with the theft of jet engine technology from leading American manufacturer GE Aviation, the US Justice Department announced Thursday. Alexander Yuryevich Korshunov, 57, and Maurizio Paolo Bianchi, 59 were charged in a just-unsealed criminal complaint with stealing trade secrets in the latest case involving theft of US aviation industry intellectual property. The Justice Department said that from 2013 to 2018,… ( 기타...

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Since Roman times Italians have bee appropriating the property of other cultures. The Russians are understudies of Marx and feel that stealing from cultures that oppose their path to world domination is justified.

Aviation is one technology that is constantly being improved in the main by Americans. Those without the ability to buy American tech feel that they are being denied some convoluted birthright and that the theft is simply seizure of their rights.

It used to be that places like Lockheed, GE, North American, & Rocketdyne were "defense plants" and with few exceptions you did not even park your car at one of these plants if you were not a citizen. If you worked there you passed a security check that even included your 2nd grade teacher.

Now you will find many non-citizens working in the industry, and while such diversity is desirable, and can improve the work place substantially, it also allows a window for foreign devils to infiltrate and steal secrets. Are they stealing for economic gain? Of course not, read the first paragraph again.
Does this really suprise anybody?? Italian yes but Russia No. They have been stealing our secrets for years.
josh homer -3
And I'm sure republicans will reward Russia with a Russian factory in a red state, right McConnell?
Indie58 1
Leave it to a Liberal to bring politics to a site that should remain bi-partisan; nice work Homer!
Go shed your liberal tears somewhere else, Josh. Keep your political garbage out of aviation.
They were just trying to make spare parts more compatible :)


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