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Delta pilots received record overtime while MAX crisis hit rivals - unions

Delta Air Lines pilots are receiving record overtime, straining the airline's labor costs, in part because it has added more flights to fill a supply gap left by the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX at rival carriers, union officials told Reuters. The surge in overtime highlights a split in the fortunes of U.S. airline workers as carriers like Delta, which does not fly the MAX, scramble to meet demand while staff at rivals like Southwest Airlines and American Airlines sit at home on basic… ( 기타...

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As per the article... “ Delta Pilot Danna.. played down the fact that the MAX grounding was a contributing factor” citing other reasons for the uptick in travel - saying they plan to hire 900 pilots in 2020.. yet the article title is the opposite.. oh media
Correct me if im wrong but how did they get overtime if they have to stay in between duty hours??? I mean you have to have a set time to work and a set time off.
The over time applies to yearly / monthly hours. Booked under the max, then from your sked to max would be OT.
And that is 9-14 hours of flight depending on how the segaments are of the flight. But they say the pilots have to have a minumal of 12 hours of rest while only 5 hours have to be sleeping.


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