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Boeing clashes with FAA over 727 auxiliary tank explosion risk

Boeing and the US FAA have clashed over a safety modification for Boeing 727s, with the regulator rejecting three attempts by the airframer to have the proposal withdrawn. ( 기타...

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Man you guys can't help but post more public slandering bulls*it articles about Boeing. Quite sad how much the media wants to destroy Boeing's reputation. And don't tell me "Waaaah, it's Boeing's fault!"
The Boeing News should always include there recent history. 787 start, 737 Max and now 777X. Such a great history
As if any aviation agency around the world is going to trust anything Boeing says right now. You reap what you sow.
this is so typically BOeing's response to deficiencies: asking us who do we believe- our eyes or boeings actions. Probabilities seem to rule boeing's view of the world, and they prefer to ask for forgiveness rather than head off nasty possiblities. Memo to Boeing: just shut up, perform the fixes and then pretend you give a damn... You have less friends in the room today than yesterday....
Same problem as TWA800 which Boeing would say has a low possibility.
sparkie624 -3
Should be No Possibility.... Most fuel tanks do explode with they are impacted by and Explosive Missile...
sparkie624 -4
Geez.... the FAA is still chasing TWA800 and won't let it go.... It was not a spark in the fuel tank. I know and have worked that system in tank and out of tank for the fuel QTY and they are barking up the wrong tree!
Everything else was soundly refuted. Why else did they replace the wiring in any Air Farce One 747 plane? The exercise?
sparkie624 -3
Practice makes perfect....


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