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Bahamasair 737-500s Banned From U.S. Airspace For Lack Of ADS-B Equipment

Bahamasair’s fleet of 3 Boeing 737-500s has been banned from U.S. airspace after the airline failed to meet the January 1, 2020 deadline to install necessary surveillance equipment required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ( 기타...

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"The airline’s chairman, Tommy Turnquest, doesn't begin his Christmas shopping until 9:00 pm on December 24.
He is disappointed that the things he wanted to purchase won't be back in stock until March 2020."
So, they discovered there is a difference between 'lowest bidder' and 'lowest responsible bidder'.

If you want premium oats, you have to pay a premium price.
If cost is your only metric, I can get you cheaper oats that have been run thru the horse first.
Didn't get the Memo.
Chris B 3
Time for a code share with an American airline....
Upgrading a 735 is not as simple as a single-engine craft and the cost could render the a/c financially obsolete. Most US carriers have utilized a way around the deadline. Mr. Higdon explains this...
$200,000/AC. Unless the carrier is struggling, that's a minor expense. Plus, it's not a surprise -- you set up reserves for something like this.
3 aircraft, 10 years, and apparently chose the lowest bidder to supply the parts at the last minute. You can't blame this on the hurricane.
Mike Mohle 16
Island time, Mon!
golfbum971 11
If they didn't bother to comply with this simple mandate it makes me wonder what else they haven't bothered complying with!
racerxx 4
That’s what you get for waiting on the 99th hour


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