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FAA proposes to fine Southwest Airlines $3.9m

The FAA has proposed to levy a $3.9 million fine on Southwest Airlines for operating more than 20,000 commercial flights with incorrect weight and balance calculations, potentially putting the safety of the flights at risk. ( 기타...

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Chris B 1
Its one thing to announce a fine, but the end result, after negotiation will never be reported.
Wonder if that background info we don’t know is retaliatory for their suit against Boeing
FAA trying anything to save face!
It would be interesting to find out how incorrect these figures were? I mean a carrier that operates one type with a few variants and the only variable being pax, Fuel load and two baggage holds, exactly how far off could the c of g get if load factors averaged above 70% with average bags and fuel for between 2 & 5 hours?
I suspect your curiosity matches mine, HF. If the dispatch computed CG or weight #s were significantly inaccurate, then the flight crews would have noticed that the performance #s didn't add up or the pitch trim settings at takeoff were wrong and they would have to significantly retrim on all those takeoffs. SW guys ain't that dumb! I suspect the errors were in the 'rounding' up or down range and it was easier to pay the fine than fight a tarnished FAA lookin' for a merit badge to show while they eat Boeing crow.
The issue is critical, but the fine wasn't much in the scope of things. Probably a lot of background information we'll never know about.


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