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Landing gear catches fire as Air Canada flight touches down in Montreal

A fire broke out in the landing gear of an Air Canada Jazz plane after it touched down early Tuesday at Trudeau airport. There were no injuries and an emergency evacuation was not carried out, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada said. ( 기타...

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Canada eh?
Someone probably tossed a joint out the window and it got stuck on the landing gear
This was just a test to see how many Canadians read this blog- apparently plenty
And they don't have a sense of humor.
srobak 1
Why is this being reported? This happens. Sometimes 5x a day at major airports.
That was exciting...
Does the Dash-8 have issues with its gear? It has been the work-horse of inter-island transport in the Caribbean for many years. Never heard of an issue like this.
If it was a -400 then yes, they have a history of Gear issues, but not related to anything that would catch fire that I know of.
The two Air Canada Jazz flights Ottawa-Montreal early Tuesday were both -300.
Smell the leather...BURN ZE RUBBER!
AC is certainly having a spate of issues with landing gear... or are we just hearing more about them for some reason?
Once again this is a Jazz flight owned by Chorus. Not an Air Canada issue
aurodoc 1
I was thinking the same when reading the post. Other mechanical issues seem common as well as recent sliding off runways iin poor weather and attempt to land at SFO on a taxiway. Is there a culture problem at Air Canada?
Ra1n 7
Regardless of whether the Dash-8 has issues with its gear, the media is certainly picking up and running more stories about aircraft mishaps, both serious or completely benign, in recent years than before.
Or maybe AC maintenance has a culture problem


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