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Is China’s COMAC C919 Serious Competition For The 737 MAX?

In previous articles, we have argued that the COMAC range of aircraft poses future competition to the duopoly of Airbus and Boeing. ( 기타...

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Seems like anything that can actually get into the air would be serious competition for the MAX
What similar plane wouldn't be competition? The 737MAX has a reputation. It'll be a while before they 'fix' that. Look at the DC-10.
That remarkable ability to improve their products is mostly gained through industrial espionage. The Chinese have also put pressure on western suppliers to share technology with them in order to gain contracts. They are a serious threat both to Boeing and Airbus. They are competitors and they are not our friends.
Absolutely true. I think a lot of companies will rue the day they rushed into China on their terms only to find all of their intellectual property stolen.
Chris B 4
Even if it doesn't tick all the boxes today in the same way the established competition does, doesn't mean they wont sell a ton of them.
All depending whether they have the production capacity. There are many national airlines around the world, including countries like many in Africa have significant mineral rights they can barter for.
The Chinese have shown remarkable ability to improve their products as well.


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