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Queen of the skies: The Boeing 747 is playing a hero's role during Covid-19 crisis

During the week of April 21, there were just two passenger-carrying 747 jumbo jets flying around the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has made the Queen of the Skies an acutely endangered monarch. ( 기타...

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Not mentioned is the Qantas rescue flights using their 747s
KoolerKT 1
ahh. I miss the good-old 747! so many great memories.
yeah cuz there aren't any other types of planes available for cargo.. right... right ? bwhahaha. what a bs article.
HTH do you figure it's a BS article?
aurodoc 6
It is interesting that when you search by aircraft type to see what’s in the air now the 747-400 is 10th on the list and you can add 37 more 747-8 to that number. I am sure most are freighter but a few are still scheduled passenger flights. I think the 747 will be flying for many years to come.
There are more than 2. Chicago has numerous a day (non cargo)...whomever is saying there are no international flights is nuts....I see 3-5/day coming/going at Ohare. Lots more with Cargo as well.
Not as endangered as the A380. The 747-800 will likely continue to fly as a freighter for the next 20 years plus.
i hope so.
I wish journalism would research it's findings before posting them, or at least not include certain criteria if the are unsure. Yes it's a small point but Volga-Dnepr does not own nor fly the AN-225
It’s on CNN, so it’s got to be true -NOT! lol
Viv Pike 5
Yes, it is a small point - but the article refers to the AN-124, not the AN-225 as you mentioned. Volga-Dnepr operates a fleet of 12 Antonov-124-100 aircraft. :)
Or rather as they put it "updated"
The article has been edited..yes Volga operates only the 124-100, but earlier it had, and thankful I saved it, "Moscow-based Air Bridge Cargo (ABC) has 17 747Fs -- four 747-400Fs and 13 newer 747-8Fs. As part of the Volga-Dnepr Group -- known for its massive Ukrainian AN-124 and AN-225 ex-military airlifters -- ABC's 747s are flying 15 hours a day."


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