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FAA response to 737 MAX crash report preserves Boeing’s big role in certifying its own planes

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Tuesday said it plans changes to how new airplane models are certified, but will preserve Boeing’s central role in that process — despite criticism that Boeing mistakes in certifying the 737 MAX allowed design flaws that killed 346 people in two crashes. ( 기타...

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This is unfortunate. There are over three hundred reasons why this method of certification needs to be changed and yet their lives now were lost in vain. Sad, really.
All corporations should be governed at all times. Reason: Corporate culture, which generates itself in different environments can get carried away with current fiscal matters--you can wind up with a pack of boys in a tree house easily. When this goes international, who is in charge? Boeing had a good reputation before Max; let's hope it can be restored in the future.
So money talks, sanity walks. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along. All those people died, and nothing changes.

It's called 'Regulatory Capture'. The regulated become the regulators.


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