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Atlas Air Orders Final 4 Boeing 747-8Fs

Atlas Air has agreed to purchase the last Boeing 747-8Fs to be produced by Boeing, with deliveries expected for 2022... This will bring the total number of 747s flown by Atlas to 57 aircraft, keeping them as the largest operator of the type... ( 기타...

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This should ensure that there will be 747's flying until I leave this earth as a breathing member of society. With delivery set for 2022 and at least a 40 year useful life, that will be until 2062 when I'll be 98 - even if I'm still breathing, I'm sure my last remaining memory of aircraft will be of the 747. Who knows, maybe my family can arrange one last flight aboard the Queen to my final resting spot!
cost a ton of money just to keep the line open while waiting for more orders... 747..has had it's time...sadly
hate to see the end of the production line, as boeing has in the past prematurely cut production on other viable airliners: to wit, the 757. A strong economic case exists for 777 freighters- that i do not deny, But, i wonder what the actual demand for more than these last 4 747-8F's would be in the next uptick in world economy. There are many 747-400's is dry storage around the world that could be condidates for cargo conversion, and perhaps that helped nudge boeing into their position of terminating this wonderous, beauteous, elegant queen of all the skies....Never had a bad flight on any 747....
757 was/is a fantastic airplane. 747 too.
user3956 5
Same here, if the transport/cargo market is going to keep increasing, then why not keep using the best plane for it?

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