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United Not 'In the Market' for 100-Seaters, Says Chief Kirby

United Airlines has no plans to acquire narrowbody aircraft in the 100-130-seat class – a category filled by jets like the Airbus A220 and Embraer E-Jet family. ( 기타...

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A mistake in my book. The A2200-100 will blow out the A 319 and the B737-7
According to United has 66 A319s, plus 13 used frames on order; and 43 737-700s, with 6 used frames on order. That totals 128 airplanes not much bigger than the new 100-130 seaters, so no real present need to add a new type and a new pilot pool.
mbrews 3
Very clear observation Peter. Since United continues to speak of a pilot shortage, we should expect higher capacity single aisle planes to predominate.


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