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FedEx Seeks FAA Review of Lasers to Protect Cargo Flights from Missiles

FedEx wants to equip some of its aircraft with military-style missile defense technology. If allowed to do so, the airline could fly over contested areas that might otherwise be closed off to air traffic, according to a filing with the Federal Aviation Administration. The missile defense system directs infrared laser energy toward an incoming missile in an effort to confuse the missile’s tracking of the aircraft’s heat. ( 기타...

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Best just to stay away from those areas altogether. Profits are not worth that risk to begin with.
Not if they’re part of CRAF (Civil Reserve Air Fleet) subject to ‘call up’ by DOD & U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). In return, participating carriers are given preference carrying peacetime cargo & passengers for the military. Would be more cost effective to outfit the entire fleet rather than a select few.
They need to worry more about getting packages to their intended destinations than a laser defense system!


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