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AF1 Pilot on 9-11 talks about flying that day

Very unique perspective told from one of the AF1 pilots on September 11, 2001. ( 기타...

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pnschi 0
Not to make light, but from the title, I thought it was about a Concorde flight from KJFK to LFPG.
sstuff 0
The article was was focused on the recollections of Air Force One’s pilot on one specific day, not on the then-POTUS.

Shredded the Constitution? Worthy of scorn? Psychiatrists who treat deep-seated pathologic rants call it “transference.” Physician, heal thyself.
Yes of course Bush never went on vacation, nah...only our current President does that. How can you possibly respect Bush's actions? He shredded the Constitution, invaded and destroyed a country that had nothing to do with the attacks, and diverted resources to do so from hunting down the people that actually carried it out.

The article was a fascinating read, but don't glamorize what Bush did on that's only worthy of scorn.
fred groff 0
Col Tillman,a pilots,pilot.To young to retire.
To all the naysayers concerning Bush's actions then and later, perhaps this will end the nonsense about his leadership and willingness to engage this threat!
fern bonet 0
Jim, agree with you 100%.
Hilarious comment, Jim. Hilarious!
Bob Rust 0
As an Englishman far removed from the events I found that fascinating.
Clam Shell 0
excellent excellent
great and informative interview !
Now that's how A/F One is to be used! NOT going on "lavish" vacations on "OUR DIME" Thank you Col. Tillman for you service to our country.
mark tufts 0
very interesting on the way things were handled


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