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Four of the world's strangest runways

Four particularly offbeat runways as compiled by Premier Holidays. ( 기타...

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mayday319 0
The Gibraltar runway would be awesome. Hopefully no one decides to run through the gate. That would be like a whole other incursion.
ron971 0
Just one question about Kobe. Do you have to "Call the ball" on short final?
KATL is one of my favorite airports of pass by. In my trucking days my favorite part was commming I-75 north to I-285 west (or was it south?). As you come off the leaf you only have but a second of two and marvel at the site. A straight in view of the 27's! The view is so nice to see you'd think you were on approach yourself! I haven't been near ATL since the new runway was built, but I presume it'll have the same affect on me.

Now Gibraltar, WOW! Never think I'd see something like that. But when you have a small strip of land and LOTS of traffic, what can you do? Awsome spotting trip if you ever take one.


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