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Southwest, AirTran now a single carrier

Southwest and AirTran are now a single airline in the eyes of the Federal Aviation Administration. The agency today issued Southwest a "single operating certificate that covers it and subsidiary AirTran, which Southwest acquired last year. Southwest calls the approval "a key milestone in the integration of the two airlines." ( 기타...

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So does this mean SWA aircraft painted in SWA colors will land at whichever AT operates?
Today is the first day also that Southwest Airlines is operating an aircraft other than the 737. Interesting... :)
On two occasions in the past, Southwest operated B727-200s. For a short time after they acquired Muse Air, they operated a few DC-9-50s and MD8s for a short time.
preacher1 1
I hadn't thought about Muse Air in years. I just thought they went away. I didn't know SWA bought them.
Oh you are right, I forgot about that! This will be the first time in a long time that SWA has opereated the 737 lol

Thanks for the correction!
Brad Young 3
When will the "Citrus" call sign be merged into "Southwest"?
Hope that citrus is not a "lemon"
kyle dunst 1
Today should be the last day they use citrus and TRS.
panam1971 1
I'm guessing August. That's when they're switching the flights over.
kyle dunst 1
Now that they have a SOC the FAA (Air Traffic Control) sees them as a single operator so they should all be using SWA
The two carriers will now operate as a single carrier with a "partition". This will allow them to technically funtion as two seperate airlines while using the same set of OpSpecs. This is different than the big SOC dates of DAL/NWA and UAL/COA.
Ryan Heck 1
Still using Citrus @ KBWI. TRS946 just cleared to land about 2 minutes ago.


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