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18-month-old baby pulled from flight, parents interviewed by TSA

Maybe she dropped a weapon of mass destruction in her diaper. ( 기타...

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oowmmr 1
Mistakes happen what they should have done was called for a supervisor to verify, plain ole bad training.
Chuck Me 1
Did anybody actually read the article? It's pretty clear the TSA actually was the group with their act together in this case. Surprising as that may be.
Geez!! WHY??????????
Sometimes, the TSA can be real anal.
Sometimes??? Where have you been living?
Now they clain that it was a "Computer Glitch" Hell, My Gateway computer doesn't even do We need to Fire all of TSA and Hire All Vets coming back from The Middle East & Afganistan etc. Their sure to do a better job..!!
Aaah...The TSA at it's finest.
jhakunti 2
I've never had an issue with TSA. I've been taken to an extra search once in 2005 and that was pretty painless. TSA isn't such a headache for me. At least I feel safer knowing that everyone was screened before the flight as opposed to nobody being screened.

Remember PSA 1771 and Fedex 705. And those incidents involved trusted people.
Since we have Yemeni terrorist building diaper bombs, we will go through the knee jerk reaction of the mindless TSA worker bees for a few months. Then we will move on to the next threat of the day. All the time, we will be defending against yesterday's threat. We are no safer for this, we are just more broke.
n111ma 3
JJ... You are sooo right! EL AL could teach us a lot about airport security. In fact, the Israelis could teach us a lot about security in general.
JJ Johnson 7
Political Correctness is destroying America. We are obsessed by it and it will be our downfall. It's just a matter of time.
euronorb 1
You hit the nail on the head JJ, look at the state of Europe due to PC.
Sooo right dude sooo right.
JJ Johnson 5
The TSA are a bunch of NAZI's and clowns. We endure this security theatre charade just to satisfy politically correct edicts that come from Washington "District of Corruption" so we won't hurt Muslim feelings. I was recently felt up and had my junk fondled because I left a Kleenex in my left pants pocket in the body scanner. American's should revolt against these clowns.Do like El AL and profile and end this stupidity once and for all.
"So we won't hurt Muslim feelings." In case you're just spewing garbage and didn't read the article, the people are Middle-Eastern...
JJ Johnson 1
I know they are Middle Eastern but she is a frickin BABY. Interview a BABY? Muslims should be profiled just like EL AL does everyday but in this case it's a BABY how can a BABY be on a no fly list? Incompetent bumbling idiotic Government idiots. No more. No less.
phumflyer 3
As stated by Ariel Merari, an Israeli terrorism expert, "it would be foolish not to use profiling when everyone knows that most terrorists come from certain ethnic groups. They are likely to be Muslim and young, and the potential threat justifies inconveniencing a certain ethnic group."


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