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B29 Ditching (Video)

With Memorial Day 2012, fast approaching, this video has been posted, In tribute to the US military pilots who have given their all, in defense of the freedoms of The United States of America .. Thank You for Your Service ! Don't forget to read the "Back story" attached with the video. ( 기타...

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It is obviouse to see why the Capt. broke his back. That diching effort was nothing short of a miricle. Thats one seriously tuff feat to accomplish. Makes me proud to from both a pilots prospective and also being ex-navy. Thank you for sharing. Truley AMAZING!
sparkie624 4
Great video. I wish more people understood what all those Brave men stood for, and to see where our country is today they would probably turn over in there graves. I support and honor all of our current and past service men. Thank you for all you do.
Thanks to all who serve and have served. Happy memorial day.
This is good stuff. To all service members - Thank you for your service!!!!!
Bcap 1
pfp217 5
That is exaclty what I was going to post! WOW! Could you imagine taking off in a B-29 with "just enough" fuel knowing that if anything goes wrong you wouldn't make it back?! Those guys had guts!
That was one hard landing. At first I thought it dropped out of the sky just above the water until I saw how high the seas where.


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