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Gay Couple Sues United For Dildo Luggage Prank

Plaintiffs' bags were sent to the baggage carousel where plaintiffs discovered, to their horror, that a private sex toy had been removed from one of their bags, covered in a greasy foul-smelling substance and taped prominently to the top of their bag... Plaintiffs experienced extreme shock and horror when they observed the above-described bag and when observing the surprised and/or laughing faces of numerous onlookers in the baggage claim area. ( 기타...

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Why are their no comments on this story? LOL
amahran 1
Well, in my honest opinion, I believe the airport employee that did that needs to be some form of disciplinary action for infringing on others' privacy. I don't see why the airline deserves to get sued, though.
And why do people disrespect individuals that are part of sexual minorities anyways? I mean, this IS 2012, I'd expect at least some sort of civility for one's tastes in partners by now, given the fact that we've progressed a lot in world wide awareness and psychology... Move on, respect others regardless of their lifestyles.

In any form, the airport personnel responsible deserves a sort of disciplinary action, that's not up for debate.

My condolences to the couple, that must have been a hard time for them...I truly feel a need to apologize to them for others' actions towards them.
United doesn't have access to luggage anyway. Want to to sue? Call TSA.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Gay Couple Accuses Continental Airlines of Shaming Them with Sex Toy

I'm sorry, but if it was so bad, then why wait a year to sue? Seriously.


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