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Video: Air New Zealand's brilliant new Hobbit safety demo

The latest of Air New Zealand's infamously quirky videos, "An Unexpected Briefing" features characters from The Hobbit movie! ( 기타...

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Jason Ahbe 0
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Air New Zealand's new Hobbit inspired safety video

Air New Zealand recently released a Hobbit inspired safety video aboard its B777-ER fleet.
Chris Vdo 0
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AirNZ - Hobbit Safety Video

Air New Zealand has a good track record of producing innovative safety briefings. This one coincides with the release of The Hobbit, directed by Peter Jackson. I quite enjoyed it!
I never wacht these films but wen Theo play thuis one I Will sertenly wacht it great!!!!
I dont know who Theo is but I ment they
Keep it up Air NZ-I'm becoming a fan your creative safety videos, I especialy like the All Black one. Congrads to the team who keep coming up with the material also. Air NZ you are an innovative airline!
David Bell 1
Excellent, a great way to draw attention to an often ignored pre-flight message.
Rod Jenman 2
Love it! Those Kiwis have a great sense of inovation and humour. Very effective.
By far the best safety briefing Ever!


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