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Pilot for American Eagle Arrested in Cockpit at Minneapolis for Suspicion of Alcohol

A pilot for American Eagle was arrested and removed from the cockpit this morning at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport for suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol... ( 기타...

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Sang Le 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

American Eagle pilot arrested for allegedly being drunk

An American Eagle pilot on a New York-bound plane was arrested at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport for failing a blood-alcohol test.

Airport spokesman Patrick Hogan told the Associated Press that witnesses alerted airport police that the pilot smelled like alcohol before he boarded the plane that was headed for LaGuardia Airport.
Well there you go. You don't have to be a seventeen year old stealing an airplane for a joyride to commit stupid.
Toby Sharp 1
"Stupid is as stupid does" -Ms. Gump-
Gene Nowak 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

American Eagle pilot arrested.

An American Eagle pilot was suspended after failing a blood-alcohol test as he prepared to fly on Friday from Minneapolis to New York City, authorities said.
What a bonehead. Here's his photo in case anyone is interested.
FoxNews version said "Stricter levels of .04 are acceptable" Are you kidding? How about ".000000000"
Jason Rhew 1
might want to check the FAR's
preacher1 2
Yeah, I heard that crap on CBS too. 8 hours bottle to throttle was what I always heard
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

American Eagle pilot arrested at Minn. airport

MINNEAPOLIS — An American Eagle pilot was suspended after failing a blood-alcohol test as he prepared to fly on Friday to New York City from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, authorities said.
WtfWtf 3
There goes that guys career and house...
Ricky Scott -2
NEGATIVE Nellies need to get a LIFE.

There is no search function, until then DUPES are going to happen.

If they dont like it, either get a search function or GET LOST.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Ricky Scott -1
Because Im tired of the Anonymous little cowards constantly giving negatives for something we have 0 control of. They need to get a life.
preacher1 0
I'll throw my 2cts worth in. Boyd is a friend of mine and as far as I'm concerned he can do what he wants. If it is duplicate URL, FA won't let you post it, and a quick read of the headlines on NEW SQUAWKS would let you see if it's already up there, especially on a story like this. You have that much control over it. Don't know the time frame, but counting yours, there are 3. All I can say is get a life or just don't read it.

[This poster has been suspended.]

preacher1 1
Actally, TRIPLICATE NOW. Go get 'em Boyd.LOL
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

American Eagle Pilot arrested before flight

another 12 hour bottle to throttle violator.
tis a shame, another career dead due to pilot error in judgement.


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