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Russian Airshow 2013 -- Fabulous Photos

Quite an awesome display of aircraft and piloting skills. Hope to get some youtubes of the flying demonstrations. Enjoy the photos. ( 기타...

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She should be in the Red Bull Air Racing Series!! I wish I knew what kind of plane that is she is flying, those vertical stalls close to the ground should be impossible!!
Sukhoi I would guess but what engine I don't know. She flies under a guy from Estonia but I just forget his name. Worth doing some research on this lady. I think they let her loose in one of Russias fighter jets once...only once..she did stuff the guys couldn't ... Cobra's with the Svetlana touch...which man could not fall for her?
This is the link with her and the boss. I don't speack Slav but he is telling her what the approach is at the end of the show, then he tells her not to be hard on the brakes...gorgeous lady.
Blondes have more fun.
He kicks off telling her the plane has no smoke today which disappoints her a little.
sparkie624 1
Nice pics and video
USN was taught by RAF Kinloss team at Miramar how to make the F4 fly in combat. In 1968.
Woops error...was Royal Navy Air Squadron...they wanted the F4 for aircraft carriers. When they went over to collect them they realised the USN did not know how to use Top Gun school started.
Only Russian aviator that turns me on is Svetlana Kapanina. Russian engineers are top class. Can operate machinery out of a Siberian wasteland. Don't under estimate what they can do or build. No way would I mess with a Russian.
Svetlana is awesome......beautiful, nerves of steel and having fun: Thanks for mentioning her.

Re your last comment - having watched and read about Vlad Putin (in the non0US media, of course) I will agree. He really brought the heat in the past couple of weeks.
I will tell you...the STASI were the most feared bunch in Europe. Much more to Putin than meets the eye.
I heard that Putin learned that GermanPM, Anela Merkel was very afraid of dogs. So he brought a large bklack one to a meeting with her......
Unless you have personal experience of that don't take it as fact. Gossip, press reports can be misleading. As a general rule most countries of the former east bloc do not respect the German nation. This goes back to WW2 where the Nazi did many bad things. As an example they beheaded my great uncle with a guilotene. I do not hold that agin the German nation of today but the older Germans are very aware of the hostility. It was only around 1992 that school German history curriculum taught what happened in WW2. The Gymnasiums had a comprehensive curriculum, but the other high schools did not include the facts.
Lets give a credit to the music on this link. Another one of my fave ladies..this time a Canadian: Shania Twain -Ka-Ching Lyrics of this song are sooo true.


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