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Kenyan Do It Yourself Aviation (Video)

IT consultant and aspiring airplane manufacturer Gabriel Nderitu brings his latest prototype out to the Kenyan countryside for a test flight. If he succeeds, he will be the first man in Kenya to fly a homemade aircraft made out of scrap parts. ( 기타...

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Go Gabriel!
Will that engine create enough speed to get the plane airborne?
Should be "an inspiration".
The man is clearly not grown up.
But what aninspiration to us all.
While you all talk trash. This is a verry poor man with a dream. He has ambition and pride. He doe st have what we take for granite in our perfect country.
I think he does have granite in his country - maybe the bump in the road was a rock made of the stuff!
While I applaud this mans ambition and drive, maybe the best thing to happen this day was the structural failure. It most likely saved his life.
There is no "flight" there is a bump in the road that breaks that sad thing, I say thing because in no way can anyone call it an airplane.
Stick welding without a helmet. Not good!
That's probably the safest part of this whole enterprise!
Steel bar stock is probably not the lightest material to use in manufacturing an aircraft.


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