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Arrest Warrant Sought For Ex-Korean Air Executive in Nuts Scandal

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- South Korean prosecutors are seeking an arrest warrant for the former Korean Air executive Heather Cho who sparked outrage by kicking a flight attendant off a plane for serving macadamia nuts the wrong way. The warrant would cover charges of violating aviation safety rules, including a change in a flight plan, assault on a plane, coercion and interference in the execution of duty, the Seoul Western District Prosecutors' office said Wednesday. A decision will be… ( 기타...

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Good for them. Power corrupts and in this case, it certainly did. Her attitude was one of high and mighty self-importance and is inexcusable in a service-industry job. She was not the only passenger and to use her position to 'commandeer' the flight is deserving of punishment and justice. I am a forgiving and understanding person but don't have a lot of tolerance for arrogant people. I wouldn't walk across the street to meet some of the athletes and actors because of their attitudes about themselves. Give me a person in line at Wal Mart any day.
I still think they were in U.S. jurisdiction until they lifted off.


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