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I carry matches on flights, brags India aviation minister

New Delhi: TIMES NEWS NETWORK - Civil aviation minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju on Tuesday admitted that he has been breaking a critical safety rule ever since he was inducted into the Union Cabinet. Being exempt from frisking at airports as a Cabinet minister, Raju, a heavy smoker, has been taking matchboxes with him on flights. ( 기타...

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btweston 2
I fart in movie theaters.
and in elevators....just as I am leaving.
Minister of arrogance and entitlement.
ADXbear 1
And this is a story here for what? We all know the problems over there..
Ass hat
Another reason to never fly on an Indian airline or other non US airline.
Do US airlines fly to Victoria Falls and Windhoek?
INCREDIBLE INDIA - slogan by team Indian Tourism
Union Min. for Aviation , Mr. Ashok Gajapathi Raju says , " I carry matchbox and lighters on board planes , I am a minister. "
And he goes on to say , " I am yet to come across an incident worldwide where a matchbox became a threat. " Logic ......Logic ...... Logic ......
I'm sure even POTUS doesn't claim such a privilege on Airforce One ! Does he ?
They have matches (with presidential seal) on board.


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