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Passenger helps co-pilot land plane after pilot falls ill during flight

What are the odds that a pilot and a doctor would both be passengers on the same plane? And what are the odds that they’d both be called into action during that flight? A Jet Airways flight from Bangkok to Delhi had to make an emergency landing after the captain fell ill and, as a doctor was tending to him, another passenger was helping the co-pilot land the plane. ( 기타...

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Here's a better title:

"Indian regulations allow pilot to fly 300 kts at 34,000 feet and land plane, but forbid him to taxi 20 kts on the ground to his gate"
Well, everyone knows American flight attendants can fly a 74 with a gaping hole in the cockpit and safely land the plane! Hollywood even made a movie about it.
India doesn't have Otto Pilot on staff.
C Anderson -1
though (not thought)
homburge 6
Non-story. The "passenger" was a rated pilot for the same airline.
Story - neither the FO or the rated pilot assisting were authorized to taxi. Does AAA ERS cover that?
C Anderson -2
I read it and you did too. I think maybe that's the whole purpose of media. But, even thought I have a nursing license, I don't expect to use it every time I visit the hospital. If I am called on during a normal visit, you can probably assume it's "news" to someone. Hopefully, not to you.
And don't call me Shirley.


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