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The Solar Impulse 2

Solar-powered plane attempts Japan-Hawaii flight. A solar-powered plane attempting to circumnavigate the globe without fuel took off from Japan early Monday after an unscheduled, month-long stop. ( 기타...

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Solar Impulse 2 reaches Hawaii, shatters records in historic Pacific flight. Solar Impulse 2 landed in Hawaii Friday, ending its epic 5,139-mile journey from Japan after five days of solar-powered flight.
The fuel-free flight from Nagoya to Honolulu’s Kalaeloa Airport was the longest and riskiest leg of Solar Impulse 2’s round-the-world odyssey.
Just how much would it cost to put passengers up in a hotel in Japan for a month while waiting for good weather? Hope this is privately funded rather another Obama bend over and take it, taxpayers.
What an A.. fact a Jack A.. But the good news is Im sure, while this has nothing to do with the good ole USA, Obama can come up with some surprise just for you.
It is a privately funded Swiss endeavour, and no public funding from the USA is involved.
Thanks for the clarification on funding.
My pleasure!


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