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ForeFlight Announces Connectivity with Garmin Avionics

Huge announcement from ForeFlight/Garmin -- wirelessly receive ADS-B weather and traffic, precise GPS position data, and dynamic pitch and bank information on ForeFlight from your Garmin stack! ( 기타...

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I am so glad to see this! I used to use Foreflight until I had ADS-B installed. Then, I was forced to use the Garmin Pilot App just so I can connect my ipad via the Flightstream 210 to get ADS-B data. I think Foreflight is a MUCH better app than Garmin Pilot. However, I won't switch to Foreflight until it has the ability to transfer flight plans both directions. That's a key requirement in my opinion.
Sounds like that's next but I agree, it out to be key and on a fast track if they are serious about all this.
Very happy to see ForeFlight and Garmin connect. As I understand it, the first phase is the new Garmin box acting like Stratus via Bluetooth. The second phase is being able to use the i-Pad as a flight plan entry vehicle for Garmin navigators. In my opinion, the second phase is a significant workload, heads-down, and safety enhancement so long as it doesn't take button pushing to the extreme. Congratulations to these companies for this first step in interconnection. Exciting.
It's good to see some progress between (somewhat) competing vendors here, but ...

It'd be nice if they opened the protocol so that others (such as WingX) can interoperate as well, and we can choose the components we want. Better still, would it be too much to wish for open standards-based solutions?

It seems like every industry has to go through the industrial revolution on its own.
After attending a Garmin seminar recently, I was very happy to see that they are making a move to "play" with more people & equipment. This makes me very happy.
bbabis 2
That's a win win for both companies. Not bad for aviation safety either.


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