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Queenstown Airport passenger numbers take off

Queenstown Airport. Photo / Mark Mitchell, NZ Herald Queenstown Airport. Photo / Mark Mitchell, NZ Herald Queenstown Airport set a passenger record for August - up 13.1 per cent to 155,668 visitors - underpinned by the Winter Games and additional airline capacity. Auckland International Airport, which has a 24.9 per cent shareholding in Queenstown, released its passenger figures for August yesterday, showing international passenger numbers were up 6 per cent at 649,845. Total international… ( 기타...

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Love the cool weather there it's a wonderland for tourist to visit in winter. But travelers seem to like this spot in NEW ZEALAND'S south Island
Some hoe those figures released are not accurate according to IATA and the aviation news in NZ, it's double what you see which is a boost for the economy and the airlines using this little hub


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