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What is the Fastest Airport Vehicle?

Top Gear finally answers the lifelong question, "What is the fastest airport vehicle." Great video of airport vehicles getting demolished. ( 기타...

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That's beast. I wish I could get permission for "research" like that haha
nbukrey 0
That was great! I seriously LOLed at that..
Ken Oden 0
I was at one time a pilot at one of the legacy carrier (which is no) longer in existance. Whilst there, the training personnel put together a video tape of aircraft evacuation using the door chutes. As each crew member went down the slide, rescue personnel at the bottom of the chute would hold up a score for the individual. 9.7 or 9.4, that sort of thing. As the tape went along, the people coming down the slide would add something like a forward flip or a half twist in a pike position. Obviously a lot of fun to make, but not the kind of thing the front office wanted the traveling public to see. The video tape was passed around, but disappeared with the airline - too bad. Those are the kinds of things we all miss......
Haha! That's Awesome!!
Mike Rigg 0
Quintessential British humor. Monty Python meets the airline crew. Highly recommended. Probably already on its way to becoming a classic among airline travelers and pilots.
Ken Oden 0
I'd always suspected there was this kind of "training" going on somewhere. This video brings a whole new meaning to the term "mad dogs and Englishmen out in the mid day sun."
mel0808 0
So funny. I loved all the luggage scattered everywhere. Just like the baggage handlers at ATL....
kvh1775 0
I recommended that for the new training video but it was shot down fast. That's the best show on just wish we could get the full episode and current season on BBC America, I think we get shorted because they are still holding a grudge over that whole independence thing 234 years ago.
Erika Amir 0
Tremendously fun! I kept rooting for the air stairs to fall over! :)
Awesome man that looked like a very "useful" study :) I want to do this with my cushman now
That was awesome! I think we need some new airports to volunteer and do the same 'study" lol.


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