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SpaceX successfully lands its rocket on a floating drone ship for the first time

SpaceX has finally landed its Falcon 9 rocket on a drone ship at sea, after launching the vehicle into space this afternoon. It's the first time the company has been able to pull off an ocean landing, after four previous attempts ended in failure. ( 기타...

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Watch video of the landing:
C O O L! Nice video, too.
jbqwik 1
This is a huge engineering achievement. The Blue Origin fly-back and tail-sitting landing was even more spectacular. Bravo to all.
Uh, no. This blows the Blue Origin thing out of the water -- that was just a little lift and and land, whereas SpaceX really sent a rocket into SPACE and landed it back down on vertically, AND on a floating raft at sea.

But as you say, Bravo to all!


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