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American Airlines CEO Ends Contract, Taking `At Will' Status

American Airlines Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Doug Parker ended his contract with the world’s biggest carrier, switching his employment status to “at will” to match that of the company’s 100,000 workers. ( 기타...

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The Cactus Cowboy is at it again. I suppose he wants to ask collective bargaining employees to go forward without a contract too!

Nice try Doug. The Unions are not buying the bit.
only $1.OO a year salary !!! but 10 million in stock last year.
That's a Golden Parachute in one year! What we don't know is how much he Hijacked outta
America West & US Air before the merger
Hard to tell if this is genuine leadership or just a publicity stunt to make him look more "Bernie Sandersish" to his employees. Either way, Parker remains the #464 highest paid CEO in America and still makes the equivalent of about $1.16 Million PER MONTH, according to SEC information on his AA stock ownership. Hard to be "one of the workers" when you gross in one day what the average mid-level flight attendant makes in an entire year ($38,600). I'm sure he earns it, though...
And evermore supporting the economy of foreign countries.
Neil49 1
Good for him! Now, will this spark a revolution demanding the same from the ranks of other entitled, "professional CEOs" with far lower levels of skill and accomplishment?

It's about time.


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