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Chinese Airlines Wave Wads of Cash to Lure Foreign Pilots

For those of you in the job market who are open to moving east... ( 기타...

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I spent eight months in China in 1981 as an English teacher in Nanjing with Time/Life Books out of Japan. My salary was 600 renminbi a month, today about $92.00. Of course TL in Japan added to my bank account in yen. Just the experience of being in China then was well worth it. The change in 35 years is unbelievable. Pilots will do a lot better financially today than I did.
bbabis 1
If Hillary wins, their shortage may be over.
Does The Donald have a commercial pilot license? But he may be too old.
I don't think the Dapper Don has one, Bloomberg does though...
canuck44 4
Good article which was not discussed will in the posting on Pilot shortage from a few days back. I know a number of pilots (and their families) who fly in China for one of the larger "regionals" Dalian Airlines, mostly owned by Air China. They live a pretty nice life style. Their families are healthy and happy.


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