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Advisory Panel Would Relax Rules for Co-Pilot Experience

A proposal is likely to rekindle long-running safety debate about mandatory flying hours ( 기타...

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BurntOut 1
When do y'all think the airlines will go the way of the cruise ships whereby congress allows the airlines to flag the planes in Panama and crew them with foreign personnel that get paid a fraction of what US crews are paid? There is a word for this type of business arrangement but it escapes me at the moment.
30west 5
How about this view from the opposite (low) end go the hiring spectrum. In the late 80's and early 90's I flew with a few Captains at my airline that were hired into the right seat (Professional FE's were the standard then) in the 60's with incredibly low experience. They were conditionally hired with a Private License and given one year to earn a Commercial/Instrument ticket, then off to new hire training. Never see that happening again.
How about using larger aircraft, and one trip per day? Seems that would require less pilots, and time to train new hires to fly the airplane.

It takes time to gain the experience to fly, and there is never a need to compromise safety.

What needs to happen quick is paying newly minted pilots more than hamburger flippers or banana scanners until they have enough hours to move into more responsible positions.

Perhaps the airlines as a whole could contribute to this assuring their own future.
dmohr1 6
+1 There is no pilot shortage. There is a pay shortage for those looking to gain experience and those who are considering a pilot career vs other careers.
Hmmm, 500 hours, no CRM, always told what, where and what to do. Yanking and banking at whatever g- level you want cause there's nobody behind you. Great respect for military pilots for what they are trained to do especially military transport, but 500 hour fighter jocks, I'm not convinced. However, with the looming shortage that may be the only option left. Flown with both, there are taxi drivers and then there are limo drivers......hard to teach "smooth"!
Wait a minute, so you're saying that airline pilots are smooth? Hah.
And military transport pilots usually have quite a few more decisions to make and usually have a lot more to be responsible for when flying.
I'd prefer cargo/transport pilot in both seats vs a fighter jock who has the ability to do a barrel roll on takeoff.
Truer words were never spoken!


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